Green factory

Green factory

Process circulating water (PCW) is an essential heat exchange medium in industrial production processes. The rational design of PCW systems and real-time monitoring of status parameters are crucial for industrial production, and are key to building green and energy-saving factories and achieving transparency and controllability throughout the production process.

Based on rich industry application experience and professional system analysis and design capabilities,   provides targeted overall solutions for PCW process routes, implementation methods, intelligent control, and energy efficiency evaluation.

The    PCW system has extremely high requirements for the quality of cooling circulating water, and the use of a fully enclosed circulation system has become a trend. Whether it is the cooling of single crystal furnaces, titanium slag furnaces, calcium carbide furnaces, or industrial electric furnaces, closed-loop systems have been widely used to achieve cooling. While ensuring the quality requirements of cooling circulating water and considering the initial investment cost, VAN SHARE has conducted extensive data analysis to provide users with the most reasonable process route, the most accurate equipment selection, and achieve energy-saving and consumption reducing operation, thereby reducing initial redundant investment, saving operating costs, and eliminating energy waste.

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